Thursday, August 4, 2016

EDTECH 513: Final Reflection

Final Reflection for EDTECH 513: Multimedia

What challenges did you face in this course?
  • Working with new programs and recording audio was my biggest challenge.  I am not one who likes to hear my recorded voice so the podcast was the most difficult assignment.  I had trouble narrowing down my topic and creating a podcast that could work long term.  Once I developed my script it just took some time to edit it to where I was satisfied.  I had used Audacity before, but since it had been a while I had to work through some issues.

What strategies or other creative resources did you use to address these challenges?
  • I worked through these challenges with trail and error.  Also, I searched for YouTube videos instructing me step-by-step how to complete the action I was looking to do.

Which artifact do you feel was your best and why?
  • I am not sure I can categorize it as my best, but the artifact that I plan on using the most in my classroom is the digital story.  I really enjoyed the ease of Adobe Spark to create a short presentation.  I think this will work really well in my middle school history classes.

What is one thing you plan to do in your school as a result of this course?

  • My goal after this course is the share the different methods of integrating technology into the classroom with my fellow teachers and the technology committee I am on.  The committee talks about how we can teach our coworkers to use their iPads in an effective way and I think a lot of the artifacts I created in this course will be useful to the elementary and middle school teachers. 

EDTECH 513 Course Syllabus

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